Ocean Grove Styled by Nina Provan

Ocean Grove Styled by Nina Provan

Copperstone Estate, Bangalow NSW Reading Ocean Grove Styled by Nina Provan 4 minutes Next Elevate Your Bathroom Style

When a busy Melbourne family enlisted award-winning architects Kennedy Nolan to design a modern beach house in a tranquil setting on Victoria's Bellarine Peninsula, interior designer Nina Provan lent her expert eye to style this stunning coastal home. Nina shares the inspiration behind this timeless and contemporary project, as seen in The Design Files, which features a thoughtful layering of colours and textures that reflect the surrounding landscape.

Interior Designer: @nina_provan

Can you describe the initial brief for Ocean Grove?

My clients, Paul and Felicity Rodgers from Cargo Crew, are business owners in Melbourne with a young family. I had previously worked with them on their family home and they had been planning their coastal getaway in Ocean Grove for some time. Their brief was to give the home an eclectic personality that complemented and reflected the architecture, as well as their appreciation for design. 

They live a busy life so they like to spend a lot of weekends and holidays in the home. It was important that it felt like a calm sanctuary; a place that differed from their city residence and was infused with hotel-like gestures without feeling impersonal. They have such a great sense of style being designers in their industry, so that certainly informed how bold I could be with my selections. They were really trusting throughout the whole process and gave me a lot of creative freedom!

Architecture: @kennedy_nolan I Furniture & Styling: @nina_provan I Photography: @derek_swalwell I Published: @thedesignfiles

What are some of your favourite details in this home?

The space by the fireplace in the main living area is textural and cosy. The master bedroom has an open ensuite (another nod to hotel design) with a round bath that acts as a striking centrepiece while maximising views from the north and south.

Architecture: @kennedy_nolan I Furniture & Styling: @nina_provan I Photography: @derek_swalwell I Published: @thedesignfiles I Featured: Flocca Linen Blanket in Sable

What was the most rewarding part of this project?

For me, visiting their home after they’d settled in and spent some time creating memories is soul-nourishing. Seeing little personal touches the clients have added or hearing how they love sitting in a particular spot to read, all those things that make a home, those are the biggest rewards for me. It’s important for me to design a home with elements that can be built upon over time, adding layers as memories are made and travels ventured.

Architecture: @kennedy_nolan I Furniture & Styling: @nina_provan I Photography: @derek_swalwell I Published: @thedesignfiles I Featured: Flocca Linen Body Cushion in Tempest

With Ocean Grove being a new build and essentially a blank canvas, what challenges did you face with the interiors and styling?

The architects on this project were Kennedy Nolan, who have an incredible aesthetic that I’ve admired for many years, so it was a pleasure to furnish and style their design. The central colour of the project was a lovely deep tranquil green that reflected the site's natural landscape, which was framed in various aspects throughout the home. 

In some spaces I wanted to complement that tone through pieces that had similar qualities and in other spaces; to challenge the green and be bold and memorable. Showing the different characters of a colour gives depth and personality and it’s fascinating how different atmospheres can be created by playing with notes that accentuate it.

What has drawn you to use HMCo in this project?

I’ve always loved the HMCo colour palette and the texture and quality of the linen. There is always a selection that works out of the 20-odd colours!

Which bedroom colourway within the home is your favourite?

The guest bedroom, which is a deep forest green from floor to ceiling, contrasts beautifully with the earthy, warm tones of Russo, Brun and Carmel. It’s just a very cosy and inviting room.

Architecture: @kennedy_nolan I Furniture & Styling: @nina_provan I Photography: @derek_swalwell I Published: @thedesignfiles I Featured: Flocca Linen Bedhead in BrunFlocca Linen Duvet in CarmelBasix Linen Bolster in Sable/BrunFlocca Linen Blanket in RussoFlocca Linen Pillowcase in Sable

For interior design services by Nina Provan, enquire through her website here